Virtual Church now on RCTV

Access worship services from your couch throughout the week!

If you live in Reading, MA, go to your RCTV Public Access Channel. Times listed below.

Comcast Channel 9
Verizon Channel 31

Sundays: 8am, 7pm, 8pm, 10:40pm
Mondays: 5:30am, 9:10am, 10:30am, 2:15pm, 8:15pm
Tuesdays: 11am, 12:30pm, 1pm, 2:38pm, 8pm, 9pm
Wednesdays: 9:33am, 11:45am, 1:40pm, 3:00pm, 7:40pm
Thursdays: 10:30am, 5:02pm, 10:15pm, 10:30pm, 11:30pm
Fridays: 8am, 2:30pm, 4:32pm, 8:30pm, 9:30pm
Saturdays: 10:30am, 2pm, 4:02pm, 9:33pm, 11:02pm

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One Great Month of Sharing!

This August, we encouraged you to give back all month long! Here are just a few of the results (and ways you can learn more and continue to give back!)

School Kits for Church World Service

We collected supplies to pack 45 kits for children in need of school supplies! Thank you for your donations and thanks for our volunteers who practiced social distancing while packing and prepping!

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Lunches for Common Cathedral

Each year we pack, deliver, and serve lunches before attending the Common Cathedral worship services on Boston Common. It’s a beloved intergenerational tradition. The need for food for the unhoused in Boston which Common Cathedral and Ekklesia Ministries serve is great during the COVID-19 pandemic. While we couldn’t attend their service on the Common, we were able to pack 160 lunches and deliver them while practicing social distancing and safety measures. Thank you all who donated lunches!

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Hearing from City Mission

We normally hear about City Mission in December, as we donate to the annual Christmas Shop. This month, we heard from Seminarian in the City Jess Acosta, who shared with us the challenges City Mission and the people the organization serves has faced during the pandemic.

One Great Hour of Sharing

We also learned more about how One Great Hour of Sharing is providing relief globally and locally, providing relief efforts for multiple disasters (including COVID-19, the explosions in Beirut, and hurricanes here in the United States, Caribbean, and Puerto Rico. One Great Hour of Sharing does so much more, and we were glad to learn more in worship on August 30. Please read more and consider making a donation today.

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Update from the COVID-19 Team

Over the past six or so weeks, the COVID-19 team has been working diligently to review guidelines and advice surrounding how we might “be the church” during this time. Here’s an overview of what we’ve been working on:

When am I going to be able to go back to church?

Having considered the advice of the leaders of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ, we agreed that it would be best to refrain from any in-person gatherings this summer. We agreed that, since September 13th would have been our usual “Welcome Back Sunday,” we would keep that date in mind as a benchmark to consider. As the summer months continue, we will be using this time to collect resources, create procedures, implement infrastructure, and make sure safety is in place for any kind of in-person meetings at church, including meeting for worship. There is no guarantee that we will be back on September 13th. This will be dependent on the number of COVID-19 cases at the end of the summer, and if there is a continuous downward trend in case numbers. At this time, case numbers are not decreasing within the county or state. 

What will worship look like if we return?

We have also been asking ourselves the question, “does this aid us in our ministry?” No matter what, when we are able to safely meet together for worship, it’s going to look very different. There cannot be any kind of in-person singing (by a soloist, choir, and certainly no congregational singing). We wouldn’t be able to pass the peace the way we wish we could. We wouldn’t be able to gather for coffee hour afterwards. On top of this, we want to be mindful about how many people would be able to enter the space (and would want to discourage members of our community who are the most vulnerable to stay home). No matter what, worship just wouldn’t look the same. You can be sure, however, that whenever we do go back to meeting in-person, it will be a hybrid of virtual & in-person worship.

What about the Faire?

We are discussing ways the Faire might continue this year but using our collective congregational creativity so that it will definitely look different but still have the same spirit! Stay tuned for more information about Faire planning and questions. In the meantime, you can contact Betsy Schneider ( for more information.

Is the building closed?

We are limiting staff presence in the building, encouraging working from home as much as possible, to help reduce any traffic in the building. Additionally, we have been asking ourselves what it means to represent “love of neighbor” at this time. First and foremost, loving our neighbor means protecting the most vulnerable in our community and limiting exposure to the virus. However, many of our building users are beginning to inquire about returning to the space. After much discussion and working together with Creative Arts, we have decided …

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Join us for Virtual Holy Week!

Palm Sunday: A video of the Palm Sunday worship service will be posted here on Sunday, April 5.

Maundy Thursday: You’re invited to have a soup supper at home, and set up your tablet, laptop, or phone for a worship service by Zoom. If you can, make sure your device is on a table, this way, we can all see each other from “across” the table and be seating together as if we are all joined together at one table! We’ll also share Communion virtually in this service, too. Get Zoom access information from your E-News or email

Good Friday: A Good Friday video will be shared here, on Facebook, and through email on Friday, April 10.

Meditation Packet: If you’re interested in a resource for personal reflection, please email

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COVID-19, Getting Connected, and Going Virtual

Currently, all in-person gatherings are cancelled until further notice. We’re taking measures to practice physical distancing, and in doing so we’re increasing our “social activity” instead through other means. There’s a lot of emotions, anxiety, worry, and confusion these days. As a church, we are here for each other. Read on to find out how you can stay connected.

Receive our weekly E-News. If you don’t already, make sure you do. Sign up to receive weekly updates about how to get connected, especially as all our programming goes virtual. Email to get signed up or call the church office at 781-944-0205.

Join us on Sundays at 10 am for Virtual Worship.

Either go to our Facebook page to watch on Facebook Live or sign up for our e-news to get information to watch via Zoom.

Wednesday Meditation

Need a spiritual break in the middle of the week? Rev. Emelia will offer a virtual mid-week meditation via Zoom and Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 5 PM.

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