This August, we encouraged you to give back all month long! Here are just a few of the results (and ways you can learn more and continue to give back!)
School Kits for Church World Service
We collected supplies to pack 45 kits for children in need of school supplies! Thank you for your donations and thanks for our volunteers who practiced social distancing while packing and prepping!
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Lunches for Common Cathedral
Each year we pack, deliver, and serve lunches before attending the Common Cathedral worship services on Boston Common. It’s a beloved intergenerational tradition. The need for food for the unhoused in Boston which Common Cathedral and Ekklesia Ministries serve is great during the COVID-19 pandemic. While we couldn’t attend their service on the Common, we were able to pack 160 lunches and deliver them while practicing social distancing and safety measures. Thank you all who donated lunches!
Hearing from City Mission
We normally hear about City Mission in December, as we donate to the annual Christmas Shop. This month, we heard from Seminarian in the City Jess Acosta, who shared with us the challenges City Mission and the people the organization serves has faced during the pandemic.
One Great Hour of Sharing
We also learned more about how One Great Hour of Sharing is providing relief globally and locally, providing relief efforts for multiple disasters (including COVID-19, the explosions in Beirut, and hurricanes here in the United States, Caribbean, and Puerto Rico. One Great Hour of Sharing does so much more, and we were glad to learn more in worship on August 30. Please read more and consider making a donation today.