Currently, all in-person gatherings are cancelled until further notice. We’re taking measures to practice physical distancing, and in doing so we’re increasing our “social activity” instead through other means. There’s a lot of emotions, anxiety, worry, and confusion these days. As a church, we are here for each other. Read on to find out how you can stay connected.
Receive our weekly E-News. If you don’t already, make sure you do. Sign up to receive weekly updates about how to get connected, especially as all our programming goes virtual. Email to get signed up or call the church office at 781-944-0205.
Join us on Sundays at 10 am for Virtual Worship.
Either go to our Facebook page to watch on Facebook Live or sign up for our e-news to get information to watch via Zoom.

Wednesday Meditation
Need a spiritual break in the middle of the week? Rev. Emelia will offer a virtual mid-week meditation via Zoom and Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 5 PM.