December Worship
December 1 – Communion & Chancel Choir
December 8 – Chancel Choir
December 15 – Handbells, Sunday School and Card Ministry
December 22 – Special Advent Music Sunday with Orchestra & Choir
December 29 – Christmas Hymn Sing

There’s all kinds of ways to volunteer to participate in church! If you (or your household or family) want to volunteer sign up below. When you sign up below, please indicate what date and what you would like to help with. Thank you for volunteering!

DateScripture ReaderFellowship HourGreeterFlower Delivery
12/8✔︎✔︎Volunteers neededVolunteer needed
12/15✔︎Volunteer neededVolunteers neededn/a
12/22✔︎✔︎Volunteers neededn/a
12/29✔︎✔︎Volunteers neededn/a
1/5Volunteer neededVolunteers neededVolunteers neededn/a