Join us April 10 through April 17 for Holy Week services to celebrate these sacred days. All services will be both in person and online.
Palm Sunday 10 AM Worship in the Sanctuary in-person & online with palms
Maundy Thursday 7 PM Worship in the Sanctuary in-person & online, reading the Gospel of John as we hear the story of the Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest. This service also includes “tenebrae” (which means “shadows”) where we extinguish candles with each reading. There will also be Communion & interactive prayer stations.
Easter Sunday
5:55 AM Sunrise Service – informal and brief service with Communion at Laurel Hill Cemetery. Meet at the entrance of the cemetery behind Old South Church at 5:55 (for sunrise at 6 AM).
10 AM Worship in the Sanctuary – Traditional worship service with brass quintet in the Sanctuary both online and in-person. …