We are so excited to share our new pride flag with the community! You can see it waving at you as you walk down Woburn Street. A huge thank you to everyone who made this possible, helped think through the location and installation, and did the work to install it.
Our new pride flag was hung both in celebration of June and to show the community that FCCR is an open and affirming congregation. Did you know in May of 2002, First Congregational Chruch voted to become an open and affirming, or ONA, congregation? In doing do, they commited to explicitly embracing all groups who have at one time or another been shunned or discriminated against by the Christian church, not just those who are gay, lesbian or transgender, but also those with varying ethnicities, economic or social status, physical and emotional abilities, etc. This is the statement that was voted on and approved:
Believing that Christ’s call — “Come unto me” — is unconditional, we, as Christ’s disciples in the First Congregational Church of Reading, United Church of Christ, strive to live out this call to be the Body of Christ. In doing so:
We welcome and embrace all people — people of all races, ethnicities and ages; mental, emotional and physical abilities; gender identities and sexual orientation; economic and social standings, and family and religious traditions. Celebrating the full diversity of God’s creation, we invite all to join us in our worship and to participate in the full life and ministry of this faith community.
Therefore, guided by the Holy Spirit and with God’s grace, we joyously declare this to be an open and affirming congregation, welcoming and providing safe sanctuary to all.
Happy Pride everyone!