Join us for worship on Easter morning at 10 AM on Sunday, April 9 in the Sanctuary with Brass Ensemble, Choir, and Handbells
Are you visiting for the first time? Click here for tips on where to park and other notes.
Children’s activities will be available at our PrayGround area and table. Children are welcome to stay with their parents in the pews, sit at the table, or parents may accompany children to sit at the table too. Activities and books will also be available at the back of the church if children prefer to sit with their parents.
Easter Egg Hunt after Worship
Join us after church on the lawn on Sanborn Street for an Easter Egg Hunt! All are welcome. Worship will end around 11 AM, and the hunt will begin soon after that (about 11:15 or 11:30 AM). A lighter version of our fellowship hour with coffee will be available in the Library after worship for those who would like to stay.