Hygiene Kits For Church World Service
At no time in history has the United States and the World experienced such a horrific series of natural disasters. Millions of people have been forced to leave their homes abruptly and not even have time to pack the things they need on a daily basis, such as a toothbrush and soap. Our Hygiene Kits offer a daily boost to those when supplies are hard to come by.
Each Kit contains the following 7 items:
- 1 hand towel measuring 15 x 28” to 16 x 32
- 1 washcloth
- 1 wide-tooth comb removed from the package (with at least 6” of teeth)
- Fingernail or toenail clipper
- Bath-size bar of soap ( in package)
- 1 toothbrush in the original package
- 10 standard size bandaids
All items should be packed in a gallon Zip-loc bag and left in the collection box outside the church office. Zip-loc bags for your use will be located there. This program will begin on Sunday March 31st and end on Sunday April 28th.
Monetary donations are also welcome. The cost of a Kit is $15.00.