Celebrate the arrival of the Christmas season with multiple collections!
The schedule is as follows:
- November 26 through December 3 – NEW gifts for the Christmas Shop
- November 26 through December 5 – Hat and Mitten Tree
- November 26 through January 7 – gently used coats for Anton’s
- December 10 – toiletries for Emmaus Inc.
- December 17 – items for the Reading Food Pantry
Keep reading to learn details about each collection! We will update this post as new information emerges.
Christmas Shop – due by December 3rd
All Christmas Shop items should be in the collection box outside the music room by December 3, which allows time for sorting and distribution.
NOTE: The ONLY clothing items requested are listed below. They are no longer collecting items like pajamas, sweaters, and so forth.
Christmas Shop Wish List
(All Items must be NEW/*Denotes high need items)
Gift cards (Amazon, Target, Walmart)
- Infant and toddler toys
- Children’s toys
- Dolls of diverse ethnicities*
- Teen games and activities*
- Children’s books, esp. books featuring people of color*
- Teen books
Clothing – Outdoor Clothing only this year
- Socks
- Coats
- Hats
- Mittens/gloves
- Sports equipment
- Art supplies
- Gifts for adults*
- Backpacks, purses, wallets
Sock and Mitten Tree – Due by December 5th
CWF is again setting up the Sock and Mitten Tree in the Atrium at the end of November. Bring your socks, mittens, scarves, and winter hats in adult and children’s sizes to adorn the tree. Your generous donations will be taken to the Boston Christmas Shop at the Lexington Congregational Church. Items can be brought in on Sundays of Nov. 26th and Dec. 3rd or anytime during those weeks up to Dec. 5th. This is a wonderful way to begin this season of giving which will continue with the other weekly donations collected by our Mission Ministry. Thank you.