Summer Service Opportunities

Common Cathedral – August 27

On Sunday, August 27, members and friends of the Mission Ministry will provide lunch and fellowship for the Common Cathedral in downtown Boston. This year, we will be partnering with members of the Blackstone Valley United Methodist Church in Whitinsville, MA. Stay tuned for more information.

Church World Service School Kits – Back to School, Already! 

School is out, but we are already planning for the next school year! Once again, the church’s Mission Ministry will be assembling Church World Service School Kits to be shared with children in the US and around the world. 

For those who are new to this project, it is a simple and fun way to share our resources with young students around the globe. Who doesn’t love buying a new box of crayons for a child?  The list of items required for each kit is included below. You may purchase a complete kit or any quantity of the individual components. 

We will also be accepting monetary donations to cover the cost of the cloth school bags, donations offset our shipping expenses, and for the $2 per kit that CWS requests to be used to cover their own delivery costs. 

Keep these items in mind as you visit stores or websites this summer and as you scan the back-to-school ads.  

  • One pair of blunt scissors removed from the package (rounded tip, only)
  • Three 70-page count spiral bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose-leaf or filler paper)
  • One 30-centimeter / 12” ruler
  • One hand-held pencil sharpener removed from the package
  • One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)
  • Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers (remove from packaging and use a rubber band to to hold the pencils together).
  • One box of 24 crayons (only 24)

Drop off your supplies T-TH, between 10 AM and 1 PM, in the box near the Music Room door or any other time the church is open. 

Checks may be dropped off in the office (not in the kit collection box) or mailed. Please add “CWS School Kits” in the memo field on checks.  

Or donate online at  Use the first drop-down menu to select CWS School Kits as the fund.

Keep your eye out for updates throughout the summer. Last year, we assembled 37 kits! Thank you to all who participated.  We can do it again!…

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