Heifer Marketplace is Back!

Join us after church on Palm Sunday, April 2nd, for a sampling of food & wares, a children’s activity, and chances to win fun prizes!

Marketplace stalls this year include Bees, Chicks & Pigs, Sheep & Alpaca, Heifers, and Water Buffalo. Fair Trade Coffee and Clean Water will also be served.

If you can’t join us on April 2nd, you can donate by going to www.churchofreading.org/donate and selecting “Heifer” from the dropdown menu.

We hope you can join us for this annual tradition, and help support Heifer’s global efforts! For information on Heifer visit Heifer.org

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March Mission

Shop White Sales For Emmaus

This month, our church’s Mission and Social Action Ministry will hold its annual Linens collection or Emmaus, Inc. in Haverhill. Emmaus House, the family emergency shelter, serves up to 15 families at one time. Emmaus, Inc. runs eight additional housing units for various categories of residents. All of these need bed and bath items.

Donated bed and bath items can be either new or used, except for pillows, which need to be NEW. Only twin-size sheets are needed; sheet sets are especially welcome. Towels and facecloths are also needed.

In addition, Emmaus has requested snack packs that can be put out for hospitality purposes. Sealed bags of chips, Cheetos, or nuts are some examples.

Donations can be left in the Mission Ministry collection box outside the church office.
Thank you!…

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