February 8th, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Did you have a blast at the fall Homecoming Dinner/Trivia Night? Did you miss out and are you anxiously awaiting the next game night?
On February 8th, from 5:00 – 8:00 PM, we are having a “Souper Bowl Game Night” in the Dining Hall. The meal itself will be somewhat based on a “soup supper” and the event will also include games and activities for all ages. Come enjoy soup, chili, macaroni and cheese, salad, breads, desserts, and more! Adults can learn to play Crazy Whist, while the young, or young at heart, will have the option of games such as Uno or Connect Four, and simple children’s crafts. There will be fun for all ages! Families are encouraged to attend. This event is not for the general public, however friends and relatives of church attendees are more than welcome to join.
The link below will allow you to sign up to bring food for this potluck-style meal, if you wish.
Transportation will be provided! The organizers are emphatic about this so that all may participate. If you would like a ride, do not hesitate to contact the church office. A ride will then be coordinated for you based on the area/town in which you live.
We greatly look forward to a shared meal with laughs and entertainment during the long winter months.
Hope to see you there!
Your Souper Bowl Game Night Team