September 8th – The WHY – Property Team virtual “Building Tour”
Following the church service, there will be a Property Team slideshow presented by Gary Hylan. Slides will show the areas of the church in desperate need of repair. Come see exactly why your generous contribution is essential in addressing these issues.
September 14th – Homecoming Dinner and Trivia Night!
Join us for fun, food, and fellowship among friends! Diane Wilson and her crew will host a fabulous dinner, while Craig Taylor and Mark Johnson lead us in a fun trivia night. There will be lots of laughs and many delicious food options.
September 22nd – The HOW – Financial Advisor – Guest Speaker
Following the church service, hear a financial advisor discuss how you can contribute to church while saving tax dollars. Discussion will include the potential tax benefits of stock transfers, 401K required minimum distribution transfers, and other questions you may have.
September 28th – the FAIRE
We will take a break from the formal Capital Campaign activities to enjoy fellowship and work at the Olde Redding Faire.
October 13 & October 20 – The WHEN – Commitment Sundays
Most of us will receive our personalized packets, including a Letter of Commitment, during this period. Please plan to be at church on October 13th to receive yours, which can be completed then or returned on October 20th. If you need to pick up your packet on October 20th, please return the completed form by October 25th. If you are unable to pick up your packet in person, please contact the church office or to arrange delivery.
During the Fall
Throughout the fall, representatives from the Capital Campaign committee will briefly speak to the various church committees, as well as other groups who gather in our building, to share our enthusiasm, answer questions, and ensure that everyone is familiar with the campaign purpose, goals, and process. In addition, information will be shared via the mail, E-News, church newsletters, potential home visits, and more. Any questions can be directed to Capital Campaign Team Members or
October 27 – CELEBRATION SUNDAY with a Turkey Dinner
We hope to have most of the Commitments by this date! We will announce the total amount committed to date for the Capital Campaign and celebrate the generosity of our congregation and our friends. Judy and Jack Austin have graciously offered to share their culinary talents by preparing their traditional Thanksgiving Dinner. Good food, good news, good fellowship!